All tecnhniques here listed are possible to use in every session.
Every technique is allowed in order to have a 360 degrees transformation.
Phisical - Emotional - Spiritual.
Eufeeling / is a technique that puts the customer in contact with energy all around - the quantum field. It works with a gentle touch that quietly activates the autonomic nervous system which, spontaneously and naturally, creates an environment in which deep healing can take place.
A state of deep rest in the mind and body must be created so that deep healing can take place within a few minutes.
It is valid for any type of illness.
MetamedicinE – BODY MIRROR SYSTEM / metamedicine as well as body-mirror system, identifies the beginning of an illness, a malaise or situations such as accidents. The awareness that every symptom is a message to be deciphered, puts us on a mindset where we can work on them and in the future no longer need this alarm bell that our body sends us. The body-mirror system is also based on the technique of spiritual healing and thought forms. After a treatment the time in which the actual healing takes place is 14 days.
Remote Chi – DISTANCE HEALING / It is a combination of several powerful healing techniques, using the power of a group of physical beings in synergy with light beings, not in a body (guides, masters, angels, healers and divine beings) and producing great results as soon as possible. It doesn't matter where the person wants to get healing. The connection with the universal energy field allows healing intentions to be amplified and directed to the recipient. There are groups of people who are created to send this energy to all those who request it daily. I am part of one of these groups. But there is also the possibility of receiving it personally. In this case after a contact (via email or even by phone) we agree on a time in which I send healing energy and the recipient (client) relaxes by putting his connection with me in his intention. Afterwards we will have a contact for feedback, exchanging information on feelings, visualizations and emotions.
Channeling / I learned and perfected this technique thanks to the formation of Christallin Oracle (with Joy and Roy Martina) and since 2013 I am part of the ICON (International Christallin Oracle Network). For more information see also the link http://www.christallin.com/it/. Possibility of channeling also via Skype. The duration is about an hour and a half and the cost is 160.- fr / 125 Euro
Gentle but effective massages using pure DoTerra essential oils. 8 different essential oils with which a gentle back massage is performed. It begins on the scalp and end to the feet. 2 oils for balance, centering and stress management, 2 to strengthen the immune system and work on possible states of weakness and / or inflammation, 2 for the muscles, joints and bones and finally 2 to elevate the mood.
An extremely relaxing experience designed by combining techniques and knowledge of western and eastern medicine.
Synergy that brings a deep relaxation and well-being!
PAST LIFE REGRESSION - CSH / Christallin Source Healing: identifying and finding relief from physical disorders and / or emotional blockages through regression in past lives and DNA reprogramming
therapy for babies - support during pregnancy
tumoral diseases / those who suffer from cancer and follow classic chemotherapy with chemo - and radiotherapy are accompanied and supported throughout the period using various techniques, from Pranotherapy, to life coaching, body-mirror system. Together with the client we try to understand the needs having as aim an emotional-psychophysical-energetic balance that can support the therapies of classical medicine in an optimal way, reducing the collateral effects and supporting the healing from every point of view.
PEOPLE IN TERMINAL LIFE PHASE / during my work as a nurse I trained in general care and specialized in geriatrics and gerontology. I assisted and accompanied many people in the terminal phase of their life. I have noticed how the dynamics of the environment, familiar and obviously of the person himself, influences how the approach to death is lived and worked out. The importance of support for a passage as peaceful as possible, involving and supporting family members or friends can make this delicate moment precious and of growth and awareness for all the people involved. To support all those involved, I adapt my intervention to specific needs with flexibility and empathy.
THERAPY IN CASE OF ADDICTIONS / (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes ...) by collaborating with the client who wishes to eliminate addictions, we create a specific program of support on this journey. During this period there will be sessions of relaxation in which I give the keywords that serve to strengthen and manage the desire for a life without harmful substances - and coaching sessions that allow the person to express his emotions and difficulties which will then be processed using all the means and techniques I have available.
“Get thin & stay thin” / weight loss technique due to virtual gastric banding and understanding of patterns and personal blockages. It is a program of 5 sessions (CHF 200 per session, including recordings of relaxations to listen to at home that are an integral part of the program).
N.B. Where not mentioned otherwise the fee is 100 CHF / hour
1st point: personal interview, understanding together what the specific needs of the person are.
2nd point: Guided meditation, to allow you to completely detach from the outside world.
(the phone will remain off for the duration of the day)
3rd point: We get to the heart of real work, using the techniques best suited to your needs. All the techniques I offer in my studio! We will work on the blocks and behavioral patterns that influence your everyday life, your emotions and your habits.
Hours: 9.30 am - 5.30 pm / Break: after each important job we take a break in which we eat. There will be fresh fruit, nuts and seeds available. There is no lunch break because doing such an intense job won't even make you want to eat a full meal..!
Throughout the day there will be coffee, herbal tea, water and juice available.
Comfortable clothes are recommended.
At the end of the day you will take with you a customized guided meditation.
Cost: 350.- Fr.